
Thought about The Faith Instinct and The Hidden Reality

The Faith Instinct:

"Religion is not a popular error; it is a great instinctive truth. sensed by the people and expressed by the people." Religion is strongly connected with human nature-- about human's own intrinsic thoughts and expression.

Religions point to the realm of the supernatural, assuring people that they are not alone in the world.--Most religions teach the believers that people will have afterlife after they die, and what make people believe this is faith!

There is no church of oneself. A church is a community, a special group of people who share the same beliefs.-- Religion tie together people to form a community that is being called "church."

Religion is so natural to humanity that it seems to be part of human nature, as if a propensity for belief in the supernatural were genetically engraved in the human mind, and expressed as spontaneously as the ability to appreciate music or to learn one's native language. --one of the most recognizable claims that he made to express that religion is so much alike to human nature and it seems that people can not separate it from life.

Like language, religion is a complex cultural behavior built on top of a genetically shaped learning machinery. People are born with innate instincts for learning the language and the religion of their community. ?? I sort of don't agree. :( I think the ability to learn a language and religion is not innate, although babies' ability to chew, digest and drink is innate.

The Hidden Reality

The page starts with the author's own experience as a child--mirror reflection. This is an interesting way to draw our readers' attention, compared to The Faith Instinct from Wade, Nicholas, whose opening is really rigid and straight-forward.

Each envisions our universe as part of an unexpectedly larger whole, but the complexion of that whole and the nature of the member universes differ sharply among them.

